Tuesday, August 19, 2008

diccionary, dictionnary, dictionery, dictionay

diccionary, dictionnary, dictionery, dictionay, dicionary, dictionairy, dictinary, dictonary .....are some of the miss-spelled words you type in for searching a dictionary or language spelling checker. A browser who want to find the correct spelling, meaning or phonetic of a word have to learn the correct spelling of Dictionary before looking for other words. A error ratio of about 5% shows the enormous searchers who find it difficult to type the word dictionary correctly. Instead of the correct spelling they use diccionary, dictionnary, dictionery, dicionary, dictionairy, dictinary, dictonary etc. I have tried all these terms for searching an online dictionary but the search engines ttook me to some dictionary.But it is a practical joke that we have to struggle hard to find the spelling of the word dictionary which will take us to the correct meaning and spelling. If this word is online dic or something like that then it would have been better. So remember your way to DICTIONARY correctly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very Authentic Dictionary!
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